About me


Every day they make me melt, fall over in awe, laugh to tears, dig deep in my reserves of creativity, resilience and patience.
In short, they keep (unintentionally) confronting me with myself. Through them, I rediscover myself everyday. Just like a warm spring ray of sun, a fresh breeze or an sudden April storm, they make me feel alive.


After years of experience as a mother, I knew it. I had to change direction. I decided to work with children and parents. During my training as kid’s coach, I learned to look positively at behaviour, to adopt a problem-solving approach and to communicate effectively.


Communication with children is my passion. Every day there is something to learn and I enjoy sharing this skills with parents and with the children.
During my work as a sign language interpreter for deaf people, I often come in contact with parents and their children, either at school or at home. As a translator, I am constantly aware of the effectiveness of communication. I became intensely attuned to what works well and what does not.


My interest in the interaction between parents and children started growing years ago, when I became the stepmum of my husband’s two children and later became a mother myself.
In the meantime, I supplemented my practical experience with my training as kid’s coach.
“Every child is unique”: from this starting premise, I coach children (and their parents) to overcome the difficult situations which they experience in their daily lives. Read more about coaching.

For parents with babies and toddlers who want to improve their communication, I offer a  course in Baby Signs.

Judith Chopin-Duijn