
Some factors determine whether your child feels good in his skin. The Kidstime coach hands out practical tools to children and parents, to help with their underlying communication.


Recognize this?

You come home after a long working day to find your lovely children.
But you almost stumble over the coats negligently left on the floor. Then you come accross unhappy faces, a litany of complaints, and have to deal with some very short tempers. That is also when you start feeling how tired you are, while you realize you still have to cook and set the household’s evening routine in motion.

It is sometimes a real challenge to remain patient, to keep educating effectively and to maintain a light-hearted, convivial atmosphere.


What if, on top of that, you worry about your child: he does not sleep well, reacts too impulsively, has difficulty making friends or is permanently angry? Or else because your child’s troublesome behaviour upsets and unsettles you?

There are many factors in a child’s environment which can determine whether or not he feels good in his skin.
Aside from predisposition, temperament or a physical condition, it is indeed the child’s environment which most affects his balance and well-being. Think about communication, incentives, nutrition, safety, life-style and upbringing.


We live in hectic, demanding times and as a parent you can easily become desperate about your child growing out of balance. Why is this happening? What can you do about it?

For all big and small issues confronting children and parents when growing up, you can rely on a kid’s coach. Usually, a few meetings are sufficient to find solutions allowing parent and child to move on.

What does the Kidstime coach do?

The Kidstime coach offers quick help and practical tools to improve the communication between parent and child.
Aside from insightful discussions with parents, I also attend and guide children. I coach them to discover their own qualities and talents through various games and role-plays.

The younger a child can understand his thoughts, feelings and learn to express them, the greater the chance that he will recognize and employ his qualities and talents constructively in daily life. This will allow him to find his balance and well-being.

The process

1. First interview

At the first interview, we can determine whether I can help you and your child.

2. Goal-setting consultation

Based on the first interview, we define a plan during a goal-setting consultation. If necessary, we also hold a separate goal-setting consultation with your child. The aim is to agree on precise targets to achieve.

3. Coaching session(s)

Usually together with parents (but not always), I hold coaching sessions at home, and occasionally at school.
When I start a coaching plan with a child, he is actively involved from the beginning with addressing the identified issue and with finding solutions.

4. Results

A plan can involve 1 to 5 to 10 sessions, until the desired result is achieved.
This usually means that the parent gained new insights about a more effective communication with the child, or gained the right practical tools to look at a problematic behaviour differently and to address it effectively. The child figured out what his qualities and talents are, acquired new skills to apply them and learned how they can empower him to overcome difficult situations.

Every child is unique!

The best you can become is yourself.